Nominated Slate for 2024

This year, we will vote on our nominated slate at the congregational meeting on August 27th. Below you’ll find a list of people under the position they’re nominated for with short descriptions of their time at Glenkirk Church, as well as a photo. 


Judy Andrews

Judy has served in Sunday School, VBS, as an usher, volunteered at the Rummage Sale, and has assisted in the kitchen for events. 



Christine Boling

Christine works on staff at Glenkirk as the Business and HR Manager where she serves on the Personnel and Property and Finance Committees. She has previously served as a deacon, attends WBS, and is a small group leader. 


Jim Brennan

Jim has served by ushering, volunteering with the Homeless Ministry, and by leading our Chinle missions trips. Jim has also previously served on the Nominating Committee, and as a deacon.


LeeAnne Brennan

LeeAnne has served by ushering, volunteering with the Homeless Ministry, leading our Chinle missions trips, on the Personnel Committee, on leadership for the Rummage Sale, at VBS, and has been involved in WBS.


Kevin Hollingsworth

Kevin has been an usher and served as a deacon on the Financial and Hospitality Committees, and is currently a part of a small group.



Beth Hollingsworth

Beth has been involved as an usher and served as a deacon on the Financial and Hospitality Committees. She has volunteered with Sunday School, Choir, VBS, and WBS. She also has helped tutor at Shepherd’s Pantry and is a part of a small group.


Mark San Juan

Mark serves on the Patio Ministry and has helped as a VBS leader and VBS set building. He has served at the Halloween Festival and participated with Glenkirk missions. 



Nicola San Juan

Nicola serves on the Patio Ministry and has helped build VBS sets and served as a VBS leader, at the Halloween Festival, and participated with Glenkirk missions. 



Christy Mathews

Christy has been involved in the AWANA program, iMoms, our Homeless Ministry, and is currently in a small group.



Cindy Tinsley

Cindy currently belongs to a small group, has attended classes and Bible studies, and volunteered previously with our Homeless Ministry. 



Larry Tinsley

Larry currently belongs to a small group, has attended classes and Bible studies, and previously volunteered with our Homeless Ministry.



Jon Vannerson

Jon has served at AWANA, as an elder on Session, in Sunday School, and on the Safety and Security Team. He is currently leading a small group.



Lia Vannerson

Lia serves in Children’s Ministry in Sunday School and VBS, and has previously been a deacon.  She is in a small group that her husband, Jon, is currently leading.



Scott Morgon

Scott has previously served on the Nominating Committee, the Pastoral Nominating Committee, at VBS, the Connection Center, Prayer Team, Bible studies, Evangelism Committee, Men’s Ministry, as an elder, and at the previous Wednesday night service. He currently serves as a tech arts volunteer.


Debbi Morgon

Debbi has served in Sunday School, the Connection Center, a past Evangelism Committee, and with various church activities and festivals. Currently, she is involved in a small group.


Jim Fischella

Jim has served as an usher, a deacon, and on the Communion Team. He has been a part of several church workdays as well as Glenkirk’s past Promise Keepers, and currently leads a men’s Bible study.



Dottie Crawford

Dottie has served previously as an elder, Clerk of Session, deacon, and was the interim Children’s and Families Director for a year and a half. She has volunteered in Women’s Ministries, Facilities, Student Ministries, and VBS. 


Laura Cina

Laura has been involved in Children’s Ministry, VBS, AWANA, ENGAGE, and the decorating crew. She has previously been a deacon and served as an elder on Session.


Kurt Henspeter

Kurt has served on the Personnel Committee, as a deacon, and led the Financial Aid Team for a year. He has been part of his small group for 12 years. 


Steve Egbert

Steve has been involved in the winter Homeless Shelter, mission trips to Chinle, Shepherd’s Pantry, VBS and has served on the Nominating Committee.

Chelle Briggs

Chelle has served on Women’s Retreat Committees, Moms groups, Choir, Worship Team, WBS, the Pastoral Nominating Committee and has previously served as an elder.


Sierra Kee (student elder)

Sierra has been a part of ENGAGE mission trips to LA and Puerto Rico. She helped lead the Race to Rescue fundraiser in 2021 and has volunteered at VBS. 


Nominating Committee

Mike Gorski

Mike serves in youth ministry and on the Mission Team. He has served at VBS, on Session as an elder, on Session’s Executive Committee, and as chair of the Nominating Committee. 


Tanya Sims

Tanya has served in Children’s and Family Ministries, and in Women’s Ministries including Women’s events, chairing and leading Bible study, and mentoring the Glenkirk Moms group.


Jackie Bussey

Jackie has served as a deacon, WBS leader, mentor mom for the Working Moms program, on mission trips to Mexico and Chinle, and has participated in the Homeless Shelter and Rummage Sale Committees. Jackie also supports various Glenkirk events throughout the year as a kitchen crew helper.


Amanda Purnell

Amanda has been involved in Sunday School programs, AWANA, VBS and has been a leader for Elementary Winter Camp. She has previously served as a deacon and will serve as the next WBS chair. 


Anthony Nguyen

Anthony has served in AWANA, VBS, Young Adults, Homeless, Tech, and Men’s Ministries. 



Kathi Preuit

Kathi has served as a deacon and at VBS. Currently, Kathi serves on our Mission team, the Counting Team, Senior Fellowship, ushers, and at memorial receptions with the Ministry of Love team.