

Small Groups provide an opportunity to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word, increase your passion for God, and experience authentic community. Our Small Groups span all ages and phases of life and meet at various times during the week.

Glenkirk Men’s Ministries is a great place to get connected, no matter your age or stage of life. Men’s Ministries meets you right where you are in your faith and understanding of what it is to be a Man of God.

Women’s Ministry at Glenkirk provides many opportunities for women to grow in friendships and faith. On our women’s page, you’ll find brief descriptions of our various ministries for women.

Glenkirk Church exists to help children, students, and parents become fully devoted followers of Jesus together. We are here to support you and partner with you as your family grows from birth to adulthood. 

Glenkirk Young Adults provides a comfortable environment where individuals can come and casually worship, as well as have meaningful discussions about life topics.


Children’s and Student’s Ministries offer Sunday and Midweek programs for ages newborn – Kinder, and 1st grade – 5th grade.

At Glenkirk’s ENGAGE we want all students to be welcomed! We welcome them to a life with Christ, a life with Community, and a life in Calling. 

GriefShare is a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving experience alone.

Support and Recovery groups are offered because Glenkirk cares about the people in our community. These ongoing support groups are available year round to help individuals cope with the many challenges in their lives.

Glenkirk’s Lay Counseling Ministry provides trained Christian helpers for people who desire paraprofessional level counseling. We seek to serve people at Glenkirk Church and in our community who have special needs in times of conflict or crisis.

Premarital and Marital counseling is done by many of Glenkirk counselors who are specifically trained to do this using Life Innovation’s Prepare and Enrich assessment. This assessment is done online and provides information on strengths and possible growth areas for couples. Feedback from a counselor is done over a 6-8 week period meeting once a week.

Compassionate Care is designed to meet the physical, emotional, and mental needs of people as a way of sharing Christ’s love. 

Worship is a celebration at Glenkirk that feeds your soul, enriches your mind, and allows you to experience God. 

Come and join us at Glenkirk this weekend for one of our worship services. Celebrate with us and experience God! Dress is casual at all Glenkirk worship services.

One of our core values at Glenkirk is Create. Specifically, creating God’s kingdom on earth as we reach out to our local community through acts of service and Christian mission that are rooted in love for God and for others.


Session is what we call the body of Elders who are responsible for the mission and government of the church. Elders are to pray and work for the growth of all members and for their equipping for ministry through personal and pastoral care. Our Deacons are the caregiving front line of our congregation.  They are responsible for hospital visitation, care for shut-ins, prayer ministry, funeral arrangements, and hospitality.