May 15 – 19, 2023

May 15 – 19, 2023

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Read John 15:7

The devotionals this week were each penned by different Glenkirk students in recognition of our annual “Youth Sunday” emphasis. We hope that you will appreciate the students’ insights and reflections!

Can you remember your first day of class? That was probably a long time ago. But often on your first day of class, you get some sort of syllabus. This document helps you know what’s expected of you for the class, and when many of the major assignments are due.

When it comes to the things of God, we have a document, a sort of syllabus too. It’s the Bible. And in it we can see ways that God wants us to live our lives and learn many great things.

One of the things that we see taught in the Bible is relationship with God. Over and over again, we see verses that speak of spending time with God. We see people who spent time in prayer and in God’s presence. Often we can see that when a culture or person reads the Bible or Scriptures, they are wise and prosperous.

Today’s featured verse, John 15:7, talks about “remaining in God.” When we remain in His presence, we learn about Him. We learn who He is. And in those times that we spend with Him, we begin to see God’s nature and character.

So no matter how busy you get, no matter how successful you are, life is really meant to be spent “remaining in God.” Be determined to get to know Him; make it a priority to know Him more. Determine to know who He is and what He has for you. As you do, you’ll find purpose, meaning and contentment in Him.

It’s all about spending time with God.


Though the Bible is no “self-help book,” there is no other book that is more helpful. Do you spend enough time in God’s Word, enabling you to know Him more and to draw closer to Him? Is Bible study a task or responsibility instead of an amazing opportunity to spend time with your Loving Creator, the Author of Life? Some call the Bible “God’s Love Letter to Humanity”; others, “The Guidebook to Life,” offered by the Guide and Designer Himself. Do you see the Bible this way, cherishing time in it? How will you make more time for God’s Word, not as an added “to-do” item, but as an awesome privilege? 


For “For His Children” Ministry

Pray that God would provide adoptive families for Mayte and Shirley. Both girls have special needs and have been waiting for a family for many years. 



Read 1 Corinthians 6:20

Today’s devo is the second of the five penned by different Glenkirk students for “Youth Sunday”—enjoy!

It takes a lot of work to see yourself as God sees you. It’s easier to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. You see how you don’t say the right thing or do as well in school as a friend does. You see how no matter how hard you practice, you aren’t as good as the other players on the volleyball team. All the comparison can make you feel discouraged.

However, there is hope. Regardless of whether you say the right thing or make the winning point for your team, to God you have value. God paid a great price for you. You have value because God was willing to give everything that He had to bring you into a relationship with Him.

Knowing that we are bought should empower us to live for God. In light of what Jesus has done for us, we should want to honor God. We should be desiring to honor God with all our decisions. You have value because God was willing to give everything that He had to get you.

So, if you have struggled with insecurities, failure and low self-esteem, be encouraged. God doesn’t love you based on your ability—nothing you could ever do would make Him love you more than He already does. Because God loves you in such a deep way, this causes us to want to honor Him.

God’s love makes us want to know Him, to get into His Word, and to live differently. That’s what today’s Bible verse is saying. Because God paid such a high price for us, we should now live our lives in ways that honor Him.

Do you ever get caught up in the “comparison game”—focusing on what you don’t have and what others seem to have? The Bible warns against this, calling it “covetousness,” which indicates dissatisfaction with God’s provision. The enemy loves this, which is why the Bible teaches us not to judge others, gossip, etc. When we focus on others compared to ourselves, we take our eyes off of God. We are saved by God’s mercy and grace; and grace, being a gift, cannot be earned. If it could be earned, it would not be a gift!


God loves you infinitely! How does that impact you? How do you live as one loved fully by the Creator of all things, the King of the universe? 


For “For His Children” Ministry

Pray for Dashil and Shirley Melanie, two children recently welcomed to FHC. Pray that they can adjust well and begin to heal from the trauma they experienced. Please also pray that their disruptive behavior won’t influence the other children, and that they can begin to change through love and consistent care from others.



Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

When I was first asked to write this devo, I thought, “I have too much on my plate right now. I want to write a devo, but I don’t feel like I can because of everything going on—I am balancing school, sports, social life, and church. God has given me a gift to do all these things, but it can be overwhelming.” 

Despite my busyness, I decided that I need to make more time for God—there should always be time for Him. I decided to try to focus on deepening my relationship with God. I made this a healthy alternative to social media. I turned to the Bible App and read the verse of the day and other Scriptures. 

Since starting this, I find myself filled daily with good spiritual things instead of the intoxication of social media. One reminder came while I was traveling to Italy as part of a school trip. On this 11-hour flight, I found myself thinking about many of the upcoming hurdles that I still need to overcome as this school year comes to an end. I decided to open my Bible App and see if I could still read the Bible even though I didn’t have Wi-Fi service. Sure enough, my app worked and it took me to today’s featured Scripture.

I was reminded that God’s power is made perfect in weakness, and all my weaknesses can be overtaken by God’s power. When I have weaknesses, I just need to turn to Him. I want Christ to rest on me when I am struggling because He is always there for me.

Weaknesses and stress are only temporary. I have to be weak first and then God will make me strong. When we are dealing with difficulties or hardships, we can’t do it alone because we need God. We shouldn’t be ashamed of our weaknesses because we all have them and deal with them.

It’s amazing that the Bible was written thousands of years ago and the Scripture still relates to us; it’s fully applicable to our lives today. That just shows you how incredible our God is—He knows what we need to hear!


Do you ever find yourself “too busy” for God? Aren’t you grateful that He is never “too busy” for you? Is time with God a priority—in study, prayer, Bible study or godly service? Do you take your weakness and your failures to Him? Who is better equipped to help you than God? 


For “For His Children” Ministry

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to the children and young adults in the FHC ministry. Recently a small fitness center was created for the young adults with special needs—thanks to a generous donation of equipment. This allows them to grow stronger and be more physically active.



Read Isaiah 43:1

“But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.’” (Isaiah 43:1)

This verse in the Old Testament spoken by Yahweh is such a profound thing for our Lord to say. There are many interpretations of this verse; but for me, whenever I read it, it gives me comfort that the God of Jacob, the God of Israel, is present to love me, to love you, and to love us. 

“Fear not” is a command—a statement really—that our God will be there with us through it all. Why should we not fear? Because He is the One who created you, created me, created all of us! If the very God who sent His One and only Son to die on the cross for us tells us not to fear, then why should we fear?

“I have redeemed you,” says the LORD, our God. He took all of our faults, cast aside all our pain, and bought us with a payment that could only be made from perfect love. This is our King! “[He has] called you by your name,” because He wants you, i.e., He does not need us, but He wants us! The statement “You are Mine” brings me a warm feeling of love, comfort, and peace. We are His creation. You and I are not alone. This is our home.

Let us be confident and rejoice that we are His people, and He is our God. I pray that we can remember that very first moment when we fully surrendered ourselves to Jesus so that we can be excited for the journey that we are trekking through together. And if you have yet to begin this journey, know that you are trekking towards the right path. I mean, you read this right?!

May the God of love, peace, joy, and so many other things be with you as you continue this enduring path! Jesus loves you! Shalom!


Do you ever struggle with the Bible’s admonition to “fear not”? What does it mean to know that God has redeemed you and declares, “You are Mine”? How will you walk in the coming days like one who is fearless, redeemed, and claimed by the loving Creator? Will you embrace God’s “Shalom” (peace), making it a compelling, attractive example to others who don’t know Him? 


For “For His Children” Ministry

Pray for the safety and security of the children, homes, and staff in Ecuador. Insecurity within the country has been growing and the economy is struggling. Pray for God’s provision for the ministry and His people throughout the country.



Read Psalm 5:1-2

Sometimes within our lives we may experience hard traumatic events that we don’t understand. In the midst of grief, we—as humans—often turn to things that we think can satisfy a void that we are experiencing within our hearts. However, it is important to remember that nothing can fill this void except God. 

Psalm 5:1-2 reminds us that we are not alone when we are struggling through grief or traumatic events. The psalmist teaches us to lift up our pain and struggles to God and allow the Creator of the universe to take the burden from us. Going through these experiences is not easy, but it is important to remember that it is a process and a journey that God wants to walk us through. Are you feeling grief? Are you feeling pain? Are you lacking understanding about your current dilemma? Run to God. 

There is a beauty in being authentic and vulnerable in our conversations with God, and God is inviting you to do exactly that. Be like the psalmist and bring your plea and cry to the Lord; allow Him to fill the void in your heart with His love and peace. Remember that this is a process that will take a little bit of time; however, God wants to walk this journey WITH YOU! Abide in the love of the Father and He will abide in you. 

Lastly, remember that your identity is rooted in God. You are God’s beloved, regardless of what you have done, or even what you will do. Living in this identity can remind us of how God runs after us. 

Sometimes in the midst of grief or hard life experiences, we may be confused about our circumstances and even our identity. Remember that your identity is rooted in a beautiful, loving God. Our God is powerful and works for the good of those who love Him. In your confusion, allow yourself to give all control over your life to the God who loves and fights for His people. God wants to remind you that you are not alone; allow Him to co-partner with you alongside this hard journey called life.


When you are grieving, is God someone you blame or perhaps even ignore? Is your identity grounded in your performance, family relationships, politics, affluence, or something else—or in knowing that you are God’s child? Do you spend sufficient time abiding in God’s love? What if you did? 


For “For His Children” Ministry

Pray for spiritual growth amongst the For His Children staff. Pray that they would grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and be filled with His joy and love.


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